Westcoast-Com​puters provides professional in home or onsite computer support for clients of all ages, small to medium businesses, and specializing in computer support and technology teaching for all seniors. We service desktop, laptops/notebooks, tablets (including laptop LCD/screen repairs)
Westcoast-Computers has been serving the Vancouver island for over 15 years, with the lead technician having 22 years’ experience with computer hardware, software and network support. Trained in the BC Government, BC Hospital environment as an onsite desktop IT specialist and a System Administrator at the Victoria Arthritis Centre
Westcoast-Computers provide the best value in computer support and
we offer our clients a wide range of computer products and services. We service; desktop, laptop and tablet computer repairs and upgrades to new custom designed computers, laptops/notebooks to meet the client's needs and requirements.
Many of our business clients and home users often refer us to friends and family because of the long-term value, prompt and professional courteous service and after service follow up.